Daily Archives: March 14, 2006

For a while, my Bloglines account has steadily built up when I've been busy and then it's a case of reading to catch up. Some of the bloggers I subscribe to pour out an enormous amount of content. I sometimes like to think of them as superbloggers. They post daily at the least and can post in the double figures on occasion. They read widely which is where a lot of the content comes from and that in turn gives me extra leads to follow. At one stage I had over ninety unread posts from Christian Long's think:lab and I valiantly tried to plough through it all because the high quality of information but I had to move on. I've still got one saved in Bloglines that I think is excellent and I'd love to expand on it properly sometime in the future. For readers who are unfamiliar with Christian's work, it has a focus on school design and he has the most complete set of links to online journals, e-zines and quality edubloggers going around. He blogs broadly across the whole spectrum of education - I am just amazed by how much he pumps out.
Must Read Post: Surviving Year One in the Classroom without Sabotaging the Future

Another super blogger who contributes widely in a variety of settings is Miguel Guhlin from Mousing Around. I have to admit - it took me a little while to appreciate his work but now I'm a big fan. I like his tangential style (probably because it strikes a chord) and two recent posts have been amongst my favourites. But it's hard to keep up with all of his posts and that doesn't account for all of his podcasts as well.
Must Read Post:Does blogging lead to people quitting?

I'll just highlight one more edublogger that should be in your feedreader - if you can handle the pace - and that's Autono Blogger's Marco Polo. A self described compulsive diarist, I counted 10 posts in one day recently.
Must Read Post:The Inevitable Personal Learning Environment Post at incorporated subversion

You know those days when you wish one of your favourite bloggers would post, it's been too long, you're longing for their insight - well, slot a superblogger into your Bloglines and you'll never have one of those days.