Daily Archives: January 24, 2011


I've felt the urge to blog here over the past few months slipping away. It's not that I'm not online - I am, probably excessively so - but I've been drifting through other people's blogs, following little side alleys and having no particular purpose in mind. I can't blame being busy, as Brian Crosby can. I can sympathise with Leigh Blackall to some degree as he considers the focus of his online priorities as well. I don't just want to write about anything ... so consequently, I haven't been writing anything worthwhile of late.

I also find that what Kelly Christopherson wrote late last year to be very poignant.

From my experience, if you can sum up your contributions to the school and learning in quaint little anecdotes, little stories about touching tales and quips about snippets of days, then you really don’t get it. See, for the most part, I can’t share what happens in my days because it’s confidential, too difficult to describe and, really, there’s no quaint way to tell the story.

Yet I find what someone like John Spencer can recount as being valuable in my experiences as an educator. I wouldn't call his posts quaint though - but I do share Kelly's issue in that recounting my own anecdotes directly from my immediate worklife is fraught with issues because some people are reading who have too much context and the intent gets overwhelmed by their insider or close community perspective.

So, I've let things drift. Then thanks to John the other day, I found the perfect song to describe my current malaise. Enjoy.