Who Does Read TGZ?

Vonnie at SouthOz E-Learning is one of those passionate Web 2.0 educators who just keeps on discovering gems that reveal lots of interesting details about the ways information can be tracked. Via e-mail (how Web 1.0!!) she has shown me two new tools of interest, Ekstreme.com and Wizag. Wizag creates a Topic Cloud ( as opposed to a Tag Cloud) and promises to track downmore relevant content based on the Cloud generated from your feeds. I'd have to flesh it out with a few more feeds from my Bloglines before I can really see what it does but the first site gives you interesting results straightaway. Ekstreme.org tracks down where domains are hosted and shows links to a specific URL. I tried out my blog and found some new sites that link to me that don't show up on Technorati or in my referrers. For instance, this blog is one of 9 edublogs on a RSS feed at the Macao Polytechnic Institute. (Hey, they also link to Stephen Downes and Will Richardson too!) I'll have to see what other exotic locations my words of "wisdom" pop up in.

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