“No Teacher Left Behind – The Urgency Of Web 2.0″

I know that regular readers of this blog are probably sick of hearing about my presentation for the K-12 Online Conference but seeing Bloglines dropped edublogs.org RSS feeds for several weeks and I've unable to post for several days, this may be news so I am publishing my blurb and links here for anyone interested to check out.

Graham is an ICT Coordinator in a primary school in suburban Adelaide with a focus on inquiry based learning and interactive whiteboards. He sees that information literacy and Web 2.0 technologies go hand in hand and will have a significant impact on his role. As well as working with students who are comfortable in the digital world, his role also involves helping his colleagues come on board with the effective use of technology for learning in the classroom.

The changing information landscape of the 21st Century demands that our students develop new skills of information literacy and become knowledge producers as an integral component of their learning. But what of the professionals charged with these students’ education? Can they be convinced of the need for personal change to keep pace with their students’ world? Are they even aware of the exponential changes taking place? How would they get started in their classrooms? This online presentation will explore some of the barriers faced by educators seeking to improve and influence their colleagues’ perceptions of the internet, and Web 2.0 in particular, as a vehicle for learning. It will pull together various resources that could be useful as starting points for discussion and explore some of the concerns and trepidations of average teachers struggling already with a heavy workload. This presentation will use a wiki as its base and seek to leverage the online Conference participants to help create some possible answers and resources for those of us who recognize the need for our colleagues to be at our sides, providing best practice for our digital age students.


Supporting Links

Add Mike Seyfang's mp3 audio only adaptation here as well.

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2 thoughts on ““No Teacher Left Behind – The Urgency Of Web 2.0″

  1. Ollie Bray

    I thought that you had been quite for a while! And then I get 10 new posts show up in my bloglines account over night, along with over 100 other posts from edublog bloggers. Your presentation is great by the way – lots of nice ideas here for me to think about. Keep up the great work. Ollie

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