There are two people in this photo. One uses Web 2 tools - the other creates them. Just another super talented TALOian.
Attribution: Image:DSCF4436 by mobology
Leonard Low points out that an effective way of getting educators on board with new technologies is to focus on the outcomes gained by technology use, not the technologies themselves. He says:-
By first demonstrating the application of technology, and providing a clear picture of the goal - how it might improve teaching and learning - we can help educators to better understand why they might want to become more proficient with educational technology tools, even before they start grappling with them.
So, if I wanted to sum up my own payoff for engaging with web based tools as an incentive for others to follow my lead, it could read something like this.
Any other obvious ones I should include?
Attribution: Image: 'Technology won9t save you.' by hfabulous