An Angsty Anonymous Edublogger’s Lament

Just so you know, any resemblance to any edublogger, highly or lowly Technorati ranked, is purely coincidental. This is just the urge I get after reading so many comic strips lately.

Ahhh, I feel so much better now ... I mean, I hope that this (ahem) helps some other edubloggers feel at peace with themselves and their place in the learning universe.

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16 thoughts on “An Angsty Anonymous Edublogger’s Lament

  1. Rachel

    Ha ha that one deserves a comment! Just to let you know i’m still lurking. I spend less time connecting through my blog & others now cos i just don’t have the time anymore. I haven’t checked my stats or technorati for a couple years now. My blog is my portfolio of what i do & a source of info mainly for the people i work with and for me to reference back to. My ego doesn’t live there anymore 🙂

  2. Barbara Dieu

    Still involved, thinking and reflecting but acting in other collective avenues – forums, presentations, discussion lists, collaborative work – hardly time to go to my own corner. It would be nice if we could bring all these other endeavors to one place but then I suppose they would lose context and meaning.
    This is what a distributed spaces’s beginning to fragment – like in real life.

  3. ken

    When everything is said and done, when people stop worrying about their stats/rankings (currently 128 on Feedburner and 13 on Technorati), people will realize that blogging is the cheapest form of self-prescribed therapy available in today’s topsy-turvy economic climate.

    $1.00 a day (thank you, $29.99/month internet connection).

    $150 per 45 minute session (thank you, Dr. Schwartz).

    It’s a no-brainer.

  4. Allanahk

    We’re still here. Living and learning and lurking. I like my clustrmap but never did work out how to find out about blog stats and technorati is beyond my intellectual grasp anyway.

    Like Rachel I find blogging is a way to recall what I have learnt as advancing years steal away my memory. LOL

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    tschlotfeldt's status on Friday, 22-May-09 08:22:17 UTC -

  6. Clay Burell

    Don’t I know you from somewhere?


    Wanna hear a funny? I’ve been homesick ever since I left Beyond School. If/when we re-unite, it’s going to be a honeymoon of just me and my blog, dim lights and candles, wine. Screw the numbers. I miss the writing when moved, instead of (as currently) as required.

    And console yourself over this one: You don’t have to slog through a million policy wonky blogs, all the while missing your old network.

    It’s a great post, Graham. (And hey, you know I’m moving to teach in Singapore in July, right? If you’re ever in the neighborhood, give me a yell.)

  7. Graham Wegner

    I was going to add my voice in here soon after Barbara’s comment – and thank you all for dropping by and adding your voice into the mix – but her observation about “distributed spaces” is still the idea that allows me to loosen the grip on this patch of cyberspace that I do feel is a pretty important part of my web presence. Maybe, it’s because I like writing as Clay puts it “when moved” and people do gravitate more often to the technologies that fit best with their own preferences. It is still important personally to be a good blogger, for instance, than it is to be a good twitterer (in fact, I am crud at it) but I can be less hung up about the fact that whatever I do online, my own pace and my own take on my little piece of the world is enough without the need for outside tools of measurement.

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  9. Graham Wegner

    Ideally, Peter, I’d agree with you and the actual stats only interest me to the point where I know that I have a chance of interaction with others on topics of my interest. I know I’m lucky that I do have readers – fortunate coincidental timing on my part, I believe – many bloggers have no option but to write for themselves as regular interaction is not highly likely. There’s not much joy to being a node on the network that only broadcasts out and gains insight through lurking – well, that’s how I feel anyway. Definitely, write about important topics but the power of the network is in connecting to others who care about the same issues but have alternative or fresh perspectives to share. For example, I learn so much from your insights and it would be good for me to let you that I’m reading a little more often.

  10. alexanderhayes

    Great cartoon !

    …but, what would you do with yourself in between dinner, kids-to-bed and some crap show on the telly ?

    Surf ?

    Nah….you keep blogging mate.

    You may not be fat, balding and seriously demented but when you are you’ll know that you’ve reached the ‘A’ list. You could always try and delete your blog or go on a sabbatical but you’ll always have your sad , lonely, seriously connected buddies to bounce ideas off.

    Besides, angst ?

    You ?

    That’s for me to do…..:)

  11. Rhondda

    A great cartoon. Keep blogging Graham. We are still reading, learning and lurking, although sometimes I am so busy trying to engage other teachers, with the technology and idea of sharing, I neglect to do the things I have n\been encouraging

  12. Alex Case

    Made me chuckle. I kind of understand the feeling. Kind of because I’ve never been near the C list, but still feel a strange drop in motivation each time my blog stats drop. A couple of days later I usually remember that I actually blog mainly for myself and get over it


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