Uncomfortable Predictions

Dean Groom:

The number of teachers using technology in new and resonant ways in school will stagnate — and more will leave public to work in private because of the ‘virtual glass ceiling’. Many schools will find it frustratingly hard to integrate technology — due to policy — that keeps outsiders – outside. Large systems will not re-assess their HR policy and continue to hire people who are unable to lead them anywhere other than in circles — believing qualification and time-served are more important than ePortfolios, digital-authority and reputation.

This hits uncomfortably close to home. I especially want to be proud of where the public school system goes here in my home state but fear that this prediction is a totally sure bet.

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6 thoughts on “Uncomfortable Predictions

  1. Simon griffiths

    This is a problem. The private school my son goes to here in QLD were showing off their new tech at an open day I went to. They were very proud at what looked like a poorly done wiki. Sad really!
    As an employer in my previous job, I found that the uni leavers I was receiving often had vastly over estimated what they could do to, and when put into the real world struggled to say the least! With the combination of educators not having the vision or policy to push things and lack of funds (to be honest I think the first one is the biggest problem) what hope do they have for the future?

  2. Christopher D. Sessums

    Is Mr. Grooms’ quote a self-fulfilling prophecy?

    There are always going to be road blocks, naysayers, no money, and so on, right?

    Rather than bemoan the current state of affairs, use social media to lead others. Get your community involved. Hold rallies. Organize parents, civic leaders, students.

    Leaders lead, mate. Be creative. Put all of your great theories about change into action. Get off your duffs. Remember, governments are reactionary; they respond to the conditions on the ground. Lead your legislatures. Start at the edge, work your way in. Lead by example. Stop whining.

    Today is a new day.

    Wake up, already!

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    Life-long learning in “twenty-ten” « Darcy Moore’s Blog

  4. leighblackall

    G, does Primary School Education is SA follow a Board of Studies syllabus? If so, I reckon you’re first step is to join or set up a forum for people who creatively interpret that syllabus. Hunt out deschoolers, home schoolers, stiener, scouts, sport clubs, librarians, a university etc.. combine with teachers with a pulse, student teachers and theorists, try and keep it local to the state, have a list of stated objectives such as – develop and support alternative practices for teaching and learning for age 5 – 12. And set an annual meeting. I think you would be good at growing this community.. it must be multi media.. set a tag word, an email forum, an editorial blog, a monthly pdf, and a podcast if possible, maybe even a column in an established print based education circulation.


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