I have to admit it ~ I'm addicted to my Pocket PC as an offline blog reader. With a young family, I couldn't possibly spend the time required to get through all the stuff I want to read whilst based at a desktop PC. So I've been trialling two websites that reformat regular web pages into mobile device size. Both are pretty good with the one negative that I have to use Microsoft Explorer to sync Explorer favourites, instead of Firefox. The first tool I used was Skweezer and viewing my newest favourite blog, Artichoke, it looks like this on my Pocket PC.
However, when I use the second, MobileLeap it sometimes reformats in a non-friendly to small screens way. It is not fun to try and read by using my stylus to drag the rest of the text across the screen.
What I really need is a Pocket PC rss reader - anyone know of a good program?