I received a pleasant e-mail the other day from Anne Mason who's the National Facilitator, Online communities from ICT PD Online who are organising the Time4 Online Conference over in New Zealand which started today! She wanted to check that a link from the Pre-Conference Preview area to my K12 Online Conference presentation from last year was fine with me. Just goes to show that you can be featured in a conference without doing anything extra - it's extremely flattering. I mean I was amazed when I found my own words quoted back at me on a wiki created by Rachel Jeffares, so potentially being re-introduced to more Kiwi educators via a re-run of my presentation will be very cool. (Of course, just because it's there on the page doesn't mean anyone will click and view!) And the whole event is available for anyone connected to enrol and learn. I'll certainly be checking it out.
Like Bill Kerr, I've submitted my workshop and presentation abstracts for CEGSA 2007 here in Adelaide, subject to approval. Hopefully, they'll help to shed light on some of the things I've been exploring here via this blog. This year, I'll try and record my presentations so that their availability isn't dependent on being at Thebarton Senior College on the 19th - 2oth July, 2007.
Course Title: Online Teachers - Stay Connected and Relevant (presentation)
Description: Innovative teachers are connecting online and providing relevant, globally connected learning for their students, leveraging emerging online tools. In the 21st century, it is my position that all teachers should have an online presence and it has never been easier to be connecting and learning with other educators. Hear from two real teachers pushing the boundaries of connected learning - Chris Harbeck, a middle school Mathematics teacher from Manitoba, Canada on his students' unprojects and Vicki Davis, award winning teacher from Georgia, USA on her wiki based projects, Flat World and Horizon projects that brought classrooms scattered across the world together to work on emerging issues relevant students. By building on their pioneering work, and being prepared to share their own experiences and resources, teachers can make the online world work for them, ensuring that their students have powerful role models who use technology for lifelong learning.
Course Title: IWB 2.0 - Web 2.0 meets the Interactive Whiteboard (workshop)
Description: The interactive whiteboard is capable of so much more than what is offered with the standard software package. When connected to the Internet, the IWB can become the classroom's collaborative digital portal. By using the latest Web 2.0 tools and sites, the IWB will allow your class to participate in global classroom connections, to access breaking multimedia information and share ideas and learning with others. In this workshop, you will get an overview of the most suitable Web 2.0 tools and interactive websites that will maximise the use of your IWB and start or add to a del.icio.us bookmarking account for sharing of these excellent resources.
I'm also doing a joint workshop called More Cool Web 2 Tools with Vonnie from SouthOz E-learning. I won't post that here yet because we have to hammer a few more details out but it will be a tour of some of the newer tools on the Web 2 block. Should be fun!