Sharing Slides

As I prepare for my own "Blogging For Professional Learning" presentation/workshop for my brief soiree to Melbourne on Thursday,ย  it's great to see the creative juices flowing elsewhere on my network. As the numbers for my two hour sessions at the Live to learn, learn to blog event are on the smaller side, I've been thinking that a more hands on, "check this out together" approach might be best with my slideshow (proudly crafted in OpenOffice Impress, I might add) which at 23 slides allows for plenty of online excursions, distractions and expansions. The slideshow is just the glue that will hold the whole deal together - I hope!

[slideshare id=96859&doc=melbblogging567&w=425]

But if you haven't already encountered this masterpiece by Alexย  Hayes, then you need to check it out. Maybe it's the bung knee, the impending birth of his new son or the fact he has mastered the leveraging of his diverse online network but this overview of mobile learning for the Canberra CIT National TAFE conference is brilliant on so many angles. Can't wait till he adds the audio.

[slideshare id=97869&doc=28082007-alexander-hayes3361&w=425]

Very cool.

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6 thoughts on “Sharing Slides

  1. John Pearce

    Hi Graham,
    Nice Slideshare, very succinct but with lots of ‘pregnant’ points just waiting to give birth to lots of interesting conversation. It should definitely hit the mark with the thinking folks in the audience, (believe it or not there are one or two that fit that description this side of the Murray :)). I am still kicking myself that I won’t be in town to catch up with you all, I definitely won’t be missing next time. Go get ’em.
    Cheers John P

  2. Rachel Boyd

    Fabulous presentation Graham… this should be enough to implant the grain of thought that there is another way for teachers to build on their learning ๐Ÿ™‚
    Great simple style and excellent points made, well done and enjoy your presentation!

  3. Graham Wegner

    Thank you all for your encouragement and feedback. John, I’m sure that you will be bringing a much needed read/write web aspect to the IWB conference – I think we’d make a good double act some day at a relevant conference – perhaps ACEC 2008?

    Barbara and Rachel, I appreciate your kind words. It was a stretch to include mine and Alex’s work in the same context as we tackle different topics in divergent ways but we were in Skype contact as we constructed our respective efforts. BTW, he’s now a father again.

    Finally, Peter, I’m not sure that my line counts as promotion for FOSS but at least, it’s a start!

  4. Carina

    Your slides are very relevant to the emphasis my initial teacher education program is placing on reflection as being integral to professional development. I’ve linked to them in my first blog post. I’ve been keeping a personal blog for about five years already, and I’m realizing that it could be a great tool for my education and improvement.


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